Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dream of Me and the Scale

So a few nights went by and no dreams, or at least no real memory of them. Last night's dream was a bunch of very blurry moments but one. I walk up to a gray weight scale. I hop on the scale feeling it move side to side as if it was not balanced. Then I patiently wait for my results.

The scale in my dream said a number I have never seen me hit but in the dream I felt the feeling of unhappiness to see that number. And in the dream I tried to tamper with the scale, like I could almost talk to the scale and convince him to make the number a lot smaller. I kept saying, " you know that cant be right!" I didn't eat that much the last few days. The funny thing of this dream is I don't even own a scale. I don't believe in weighing myself.

I have been feeling bloated and gasy lately. Maybe my conscience tells me I am not feeling happy with myself.

Dreaming of a Scale - To see a scale in your dream, signifies a decision that you need to make. Alternatively, the scale may suggest your need to take a balanced view of a situation and not get so emotional. Don't be so black and white and consider the gray in the situation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very neat blog you have! I don't believe in having a scale around either. Makes perfect sense. Really enjoyed reading your stuff.